
Tax Tips

Tax Consequences of Separation or Divorce

How does a marital status change affect my benefits? The CRA will recalculate your benefits...

Tax Consequences of accepting a job in another Province

Residency: Your province of residence for tax purposes is where you were living on December...

Some Tax Saving Techniques

If someone tries to pass income to spouse, common law partner, children or any other...

Some important Tax Tips

Filing of your tax return is due by April 30. For self employed people, tax...

Saving Tax Dollars – Canada

Saving tax dollars is an art. Filing taxes in time can save you from penalties...

Save Tax with Child Tax Benefit

CTB (Child Tax Benefit) is usually in the name of children and it is considered...

Passive Income and Tax Savings

Passive income is the income you receive on regular basis with little effort required to...

Loan from an Employer to buy House:

If you get a loan from your employer to buy or refinance a home and...

Income Splitting Techniques

The easiest way to split income is to split income among your family members. You...